I apologize for not writing sooner. God must have read my last blog post about our light dusting of snow and decided to unleash winter's fury on us. Last week we got a foot of snow, followed by an ice storm, and then to top it off a windstorm. The snow was stunning, the ice was pretty. Being without power for almost 6 days wasn't that nice. It is hard to cook with no power. But all is well now and we have power and I have been cooking up a storm lately. Pun intended.
While the power was still out we sort of moved in with my in-laws. They had heat and an espresso machine! So to show our appreciation we cooked dinner for my mother-in-law. I went with an old standby, Garlic-Parsley Chicken. This recipe was originally from a healthy cookbook by Jacques Pepin. But I've added several changes along with a lot more butter. :)
Garlic-Parsley Chicken, Couscous, and Swiss Chard in a Lemon Cream.
Garlic Parsley Chicken:
Boneless, skinless, chicken, about a 1/4 to 1/2 lb per person.
1/2 cup Flour
2 tablespoons Seasoned Bread Crumbs
1/2 teaspoon Paprika
6-10 cloves of garlic
1/2 cup chopped parsley
3-5 tablespoons butter
Salt and Pepper to taste
Mince all the garlic cloves and parsley and place in a small bowl and set aside. In a Ziploc bag add flour, bread crumbs, paprika and salt and pepper. Mix and then place chicken in the flour mixture. Coat chicken thoroughly. I like to use a Ziploc bag because then I can just shake it all up in the bag and it just seems like more fun to shake and play with your food. You can use chicken breasts or thighs, but thighs are higher in fat and therefore much better. I've found that anything higher in fat tastes better. I absolutely loath low fat variations on food, especially cheese, but that's another post altogether.
In a large saute pan heat up a few tablespoons of good olive oil on medium heat. When oil is hot, place floured chicken and let the chicken cook for about 5 minutes. Make sure you are stirring and turning the chicken pieces frequently! If the flour starts to suck up all of the oil, add a little more oil so a nice crust starts to form on the chicken. At this stage add a tablespoon or two of butter, let it melt and then slowly add in all of the garlic and parsley. Your whole house will immediately start to smell like garlic, but I think that the dish is worth it! Let the chicken finish cooking, which should only take a few more minutes. Right before you are going to serve the chicken add at least another two tablespoons of butter, and when it melts dish up the chicken. It is crunchy, buttery, full of garlic, and amazing. And pretty simple to make. I love to serve this dish with Swiss Chard and couscous.
2 cups water
1 cup couscous
1 tablespoon butter
Salt and Pepper
Couscous is impossibly easy to make and it only takes 5 minutes. Boil water, butter, salt and pepper in a sauce pan. When the water is at a rolling boil, pour in couscous, place a lid on the pan and remove the pan from heat. Let stand for 5 minutes and fluff with a fork. It's really that easy. The only thing I will say is that couscous can be a little bland so make sure you add salt and feel free to add different spices in the cooking process. Or you can add pretty much any condiment or sauce at the table. We cook it at least twice a week.
Swiss Chard in Lemon Cream
1 bunch Swiss Chard
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 cup sour cream
2 Tablespoons olive oil
Another super easy and tasty recipe. Chop the Swiss chard into one inch ribbons. Heat a large saute pan to medium heat and put all of the Swiss chard into the pan. It will look like a lot of greens, but trust me it will cook down. In fact, if you are cooking for more than two people you probably want to get two bunches of chard. The Swiss chard will begin to wilt immediately. When it has reduced in size by about half add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Fresh is always better, but in a pinch you can use the bottled stuff. In a few more minutes the chard will be completely wilted and at this point add the remainder of the lemon juice, sour cream and salt and pepper to taste. Once the cream coats all of the greens you are ready to serve. I love veggies, but my husband does not and he loves this recipe. So you might want to try this with people who aren't really veggie lovers.
I have so many more recipes to share, so I will try to post more frequently!
Yum! I want to try the swiss chard.